set yourself free from the "shoulds" and reclaim your life for YOU in every moment throughout your day.
Today on How We Can Heal Podcast, Lisa Danylchuk talks with Guy Macpherson about his most golden takeaways after talking with 600 trauma therapists. "Being with someone in their healing is healing in and of itself."
In this episode of How We Can Heal, Suzanne O'Brien and Lisa Danylchuk talk about facing grief and loss with Grace. Specifically, 'love goes hand in hand with grief.'
Today on How We Can Heal Podcast, Lisa Danylchuk sits down with Kris Carr to talk […]
By Dawn Becker Wow, where do I begin? I have learned much over the past year […]
These sequences are inspired by my own personal journey with chronic illness and disability, and I’m so happy to be sharing them with you. We all need extra care to improve our life, especially when we suffer from chronic pain. Yoga practices can help all of us become more aware of our energy and it can connect us with tools that help us regulate and support our bodies.
Whats so great about NATURE? Whether your an outdoor fiend, strictly city or somewhere in between, […]
I don't mean sick like the late 90's appropriation of the word, I mean sick like […]

Hi, Lisa here, founder of the Center for Yoga and Trauma Recovery (CYTR). You’re likely here because you have a huge heart, along with some personal experience of yoga’s healing impact.

The CYTR trains leaders in the budding field of yoga and trauma recovery to skillfully and confidently offer trauma-informed yoga in yoga studios, mental health clinics, and private practice settings all around the world. The people in this community serve youth, veterans, survivors of sexual assault, refugees, those dealing with medical crisis, and incarcerated groups internationally.

Who do you serve? What area you interested in learning? Drop us a line and let us know, or join our Y4T community to get the most in-depth training delivered straight to your inbox.